Personality Disorder or Not? No Longer the Case.

According to LA Times, the new Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) which is expected to be released in 2013, will have many revisions in the Personality Disorder section. The DSM is what clinicians use to diagnose mental health disorders. It is said that personality disorders will be cut down to 6 from the 10 that currently exists in the DSM IV. The next edition will have significantly less personality disorders listed. One professional mentioned that they now realize that personality disorders are a matter of degree, and are not simply binary. This information is huge for all of us. This means that instead of clinicians diagnosing whether you have the disorder or not, they will be able to specify to which degree, which gives us a better understanding of ourselves as well.

It is said that in the new diagnosis of personality disorders that they will now be aligned with specific personality traits and levels of impairment within each individual.Now, in order to be diagnosed with any of the remaining six personality disorders, you must show high levels of impairment in two areas of your personality, which are the self, and interpersonal. You will also be assessed in other areas of your life as well such as goals, perceptions, consequences, etc. "It is designed to reflect that behavior can change over time while personality traits tend to remain stable" (LA Times, 2011).

To read more about the new changes to the DSM, visit: This story